山形瑞秋 Rachael Yamagata – Elephants 如象般的记忆

Best Sony Headphone


If the elephants have past lives yet are destined to always remember
若大象有前世 牠想必记得上辈子
It’s no wonder how they scream
Like you and I they must have some temper

And I am dreaming of them on the plains
Dirtying up their beds
Watching for some sign of rain to cool their hot heads

And how dare that you send me that card when I’m doing all that I can do
当我用尽全力想做点什么  你却给了我张卡片
You are forcing me to remember when all I want is to just forget you
我唯一想要的就是忘了你 你却又出现在我生命里

If the tiger shall protect her young then tell me how did you slip by
老虎先天就会保护幼虎 为什么你却在紧要关头一走了之
All my instincts have failed me for once
I must have somehow slept the whole night

And I am dreaming of them with their kill
牠们抓着猎物 出现在我梦中
Tearing it all apart
奋力撕咬 四分五裂
Blood dripping from their lips and teeth sinking into heart
血液渗出嘴唇 牙齿刺入心脏

And how dare that you say you’ll call
When you know I need some peace of mind
If you have to take sides with the animals
Won’t you do it with one who is kind

And if the hawks in the trees need the dead
If you’re living you don’t stand a chance
For a time though you share the same bed
There are only two ends to this dance

You can flee with your wounds just in time or lie there as he feeds
你可以苟且逃跑 或者等著被分尸
Watching yourself ripped to shreds and laughing as you bleed
看着自己四分五裂 嘲笑自己血流成河

So for those of you falling in love keep it kind
所以啊  陷入情网的你们  请温柔待人
Keep it good
Keep it right
Throw yourself in the midst of danger but keep one eye open at night
恋爱是身陷险境  要时时刻刻小心偷袭


Rachael Yamagata


Rachael Yamagata 的声音有种疗愈的力量,唱腔颇似 Birdy ,但曲风又略有不同。如果你感到悲伤寂寞,听听 Rachael Yamagata 的歌曲,很难不被感动。她的歌声、旋律、以及歌词,仿佛是萃集了累积已久的悲伤碎片,重组后炼出的动人作品。也难怪她的歌曲常被各电影、影集采用。


Elephants 这首歌融合了许多动物意象,歌词充满鲜明的画面。在一场访谈中,Rachael Yamagata 曾说,她之所以会以“ Elephants ” 为歌名,是因为大象具有惊人的记忆力,据说连上辈子的事都能够记得。以此为灵感,Rachael Yamagata 再加入爱情的元素。歌词中叙述者被爱人深深伤过,她试着忘掉与恋人的种种回忆,但越是想忘记,就越是难以逃离。对于伤害自己的恋人,她有着如象般的记忆,而他的恋人也利用她的爱,一而再再而三地伤害她。明知她最需要的是忘记,却不断出现在她的生命里。

歌词第五段叙述老虎分尸猎物的过程,形容地格外血腥,但除了血腥之外还别有深意。“Blood dripping from their lips and teeth sinking into heart” 这一句中,猎物已被分尸得头破血流,然而,伤得最深的不是她的身体,而是她的心 (heart)。

Rachael Yamagata 将爱情比喻成一场动物之间的厮杀,结局只有两种(There are only two ends to this dance),不是两人幸福地在一起,就是分手散场。最末段,她提醒陷入情网的人们,恋爱并不总是幸福美满,而是一场血战。一旦你掉入这场恋爱游戏,就要时时警戒,因为一不小心就会遍体鳞伤。


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若你喜欢 Rachael Yamagata 的音乐,也欢迎听听:

二重唱 Rachael Yamagata – Duet

一而再 再而三想起你 Rachael Yamagata – Over and Over

愿你幸福 Rachael Yamagata – I Wish You Love

离开的原因 Rachael Yamagata – Reason Why 

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