拉娜德芮 Lana Del Rey – This Is What Makes Us Girls 女孩子

Best Sony Headphone


Lana Del Rey – This Is What Makes Us Girls

[verse 1]

Remember how we used to party up all night
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life
溜出家門 體驗真正的人生
Drinking in the small town firelight Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice
小鎮燈火通明  喝著冰涼藍帶啤酒
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Walking down the street as they whistle, “Hi, hi!”
Stealin’ police cars with the senior guys
Teachers said we’d never make it out alive
There she was my new best friend
High heels in her hands, swayin’ in the wind
她拎著高跟鞋 在風中舞動
While she starts to cry, mascara runnin’ down her little Bambi eyes
她哭泣時 睫毛膏從她小鹿般的眼睛落下
“Lana, how I hate those guys.”
她說 “拉娜 我恨透了這些男生”


This is what makes us girls
We don’t look for heaven and we put our love first
不期待死後的天堂 寧願把愛情放在第一位
Don’t you know we’d die for it? It’s a curse
你可知道 我們願意為愛而死 如受了詛咒般
Don’t cry about it, don’t cry about it
別哭 別哭
This is what makes us girls
We don’t stick together ’cause we put our love first
我們不膩在一起 因為我們把愛情放在第一位
Don’t cry about him, don’t cry about him
It’s all gonna happen

[verse 2]

And that’s where the beginning of the end begun
Everybody knew that we had too much fun
We were skippin’ school and drinkin’ on the job with the boss
整天翹課 與老闆飲酒作樂
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Baby’s table dancin’ at the local dive
Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight
Drinkin’ cherry schnapps in the velvet night
在絲絨般的夜晚  喝著櫻桃酒
Yo we used to go break in to the hotel pool, pool glimmering we’d swim
我們曾經闖入飯店的泳池 在星光下游泳
Runnin’ from the cops in our black bikini tops
穿著黑色比基尼 給警察追著跑
screaming, “Get us while we’re hot”
呼喊”趁我們還年輕 快來抓我們呀”
“Get us while we’re hot”


The prettiest in crowd that you had ever seen
Ribbons in our hair and our eyes gleamed mean
頭上綁著彩帶 眼神閃爍光芒
A freshmen generation of degenerate beauty queens
And you know something?
They were the only friends I ever had
We got into trouble and when stuff got bad
但我遇上了麻煩 一切走了樣
I got sent away, I was waving on the train platform
我被迫離開 在火車月台上說掰掰
Crying cause I know I’m never coming back



Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey


雖然這已經是 Lana Del Rey 幾年前的歌了,一直到最近才好好把歌詞重頭到尾仔細聽一遍,總覺得像找到了遺失很久的寶一樣,有種既熟悉又陌生的情懷。 This Is What Makes Us Girls 可以說是把 Lana 典型的復古調調展現得淋漓盡致。一首歌訴說一個年輕女孩的故事,歌詞中多處似乎就是 Lana 的人生寫照,聽著聽著我們也在不知不覺中回到了舊時代的中學生活。

Lana Del Rey 的少女時期曾因為酗酒、嗑藥等事件而惹上麻煩、被迫離開她原本的朋友、被送到寄宿學校。許多人對他們瘋狂行徑的看法就像歌詞中的 Teachers said we’d never make it out alive 一樣,認為她們只是玩玩,繼續瘋狂下去只是活在幻想中,無法在真實世界存活。然而,對於一個 16 歲的女孩來說,戀愛、舞會、玩樂就是活著的意義。We don’t look for heaven and we put our love first,她們重視的,並不是道德規範以及死後何去何從,而是眼前的當下。就如同 Lana 在 Video Games 中說的 “Heaven is a place on earth with you”,所謂「天堂」就是與愛人同在,愛情是所有少女的第一順位。即使脫離了甜蜜的 16 歲,成熟的女人也會因為愛、因為在所愛的男人面前而再次體驗到作為一個「女孩」的青澀、青春。但不幸的是,就算有那麼一瞬間,我們覺得回到了少女時代,事實上我們卻再也回不去了。Lana 在歌詞最後一句所說的 Crying cause I know I’m never coming back,我想或許有雙重的意義吧,她再也回不去與中學的好友瘋狂玩樂的時光,就像所又過了青春年華的女子,再也回不去那個純真年代。


下面附上同一首歌的另一個版本,我覺得加上強烈的節奏感與歌詞還滿搭的。此外,這個 MV 的剪輯我也十分喜歡,尤其是 MV 開頭剪了 1999 年著名電影《美國心玫瑰情》(American Beauty)的片段,既少女又懷舊,作為這首歌的影片再適合也不過。

Lana Del Rey - This Is What Makes Us Girls (Demo)

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想了解更多關於 Lana Del Rey ,請閱讀:Lana Del Rey 拉娜德芮:歌曲背後的故事

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