Dixie Chicks – Travelin’ Soldier

Best Sony Headphone

Two days past eighteen
He was waiting for the bus in his army green
一身軍服 在車站等車準備入伍
Sat down in a booth in a cafe there
Gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair
He’s a little shy so she gives him a smile
他有些靦腆 於是女孩對他笑了笑
And he said would you mind sittin’ down for a while
他說 你介意陪我坐一會兒嗎
And talking to me,
I’m feeling a little low
She said I’m off in an hour and I know where we can go
她說 我再一小時就下班了 我知道有個好地方能去

So they went down and they sat on the pier
He said I bet you got a boyfriend but I don’t care
他說 你一定有男朋友了吧 但我不在乎
I got no one to send a letter to
Would you mind if I sent one back here to you

I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
除了他 我永遠不會喜歡上別人
Too young for him they told her
大家都告訴我 我對他來說太年輕了
Waitin’ for the love of a travelin’ soldier
他們說 我不該浪費青春 等待一個遠在他方的士兵
Our love will never end
Waitin’ for the soldier to come back again
Never more to be alone when the letter said
A soldier’s coming home
當我收到他的信 說他馬上就回來了
我就知道 我不會再寂寞了

So the letters came from an army camp
In California then Vietnam
And he told her of his heart
信裡 他向我表白
It might be love and all of the things he was so scared of
還告訴我 在軍中是多麼可怕
He said when it’s getting kinda rough over here
I think of that day sittin’ down at the pier
And I close my eyes and see your pretty smile
他閉上眼 想起我甜甜的笑臉
Don’t worry but I won’t be able to write for awhile
他說 我有一陣子沒辦法寫信給你 但別替我擔心

One Friday night at a football game
週末傍晚 大家看著球賽
The Lord’s Prayer said and the Anthem sang
開賽前 主禱人唱起國歌
A man said folks would you bow your heads
For a list of local Vietnam dead
他說 朋友們 請向越戰犧牲的士兵們致敬
Crying all alone under the stands
台下 唯一不停哭著的
Was a piccolo player in the marching band
And one name read but nobody really cared
主禱人唸著為國捐軀的士兵名單 但其實沒有人真的在乎
But a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair
但這時 綁著絲帶的女孩內心無比痛苦




“I got no one to send a letter to, Would you mind if I sent one back here to you”大概就是這句歌詞吧!似乎有點能夠理解,為甚麼歌詞中的女孩會被一個萍水相逢未曾有過任何交集的士兵給迷住,因為士兵的一句I got no one to send a letter to,就已經透露出自己的一無所有,還有自己是何等的寂寞。先撇開士兵所說的事真是假不管,他所表現的無依無靠,一個年輕的女孩會怎麼想呢?她甚麼也沒經歷過,看似什麼價值也沒有,但她卻已經是這位士兵唯一能寫信的對象了,一瞬間,女孩的存在有了價值,這大概就是為甚麼她會愛上這士兵吧!還有甚麼比讓人發現自己存在的價值更好的禮物呢?


Image Sources: 1, 2

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