拉娜德芮 | 未发行单曲 Lana Del Rey – Prom Song ( Teenage Wasteland ) 青春荒漠

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Lana Del Rey - Prom Song (LEGENDADO)

[Verse 1]
Boy, it’s late, walk me home, put your hand in mine
男孩  天黑了  手牵手  带我回去
At the gate, stop and say, “Be my valentine”
大门前  你说  作我的甜心
You are, by far, the brightest star I’ve ever seen
And I never dreamed I’d be so happy that I could die
与你一起  快乐到死而无憾

[Vesre 2]
You used to say that I was beautiful like Cleopatra
But you the king too so I would say, “back at ya”
I flip my hair and make you stare and put my makeup on
我梳妆打扮  你目不转睛地看
And make up stories ’bout my life and put on Very Cherry Balm
我擦上唇膏  想像我们的故事
And even then I knew that we were something serious
That you would dominate my thoughts like radio to Sirius
I’d see you in hall like “hello, hello”
Up against the wall like “let’s go, let’s go”
爬出围墙 你说要带我走

Let me take you out of this town
Let me do it right now, baby
Dancing ’til dawn, staying forever young
彻夜跳舞 让青春在此静止
Let’s get out of this place
Cause you’re starting to waste within this teenage wasteland
You will never see my face
If you don’t get me out of this place now, baby, I’m not crazy
说真的 你别想再见到我
I’m leaving, are you coming with me?
我要永远离开这里  你可要与我同行?

[Verse 3]
If you’re lonely, baby, hold me, you’re my only one
若你孤单  宝贝  抱紧我  你就是我唯一的挚爱
Watching television, kissing ’til we see the sun
开着电视  整夜接吻直到黎明
So far, we are safe in the dark
And I never dreamed that I’d be the queen
And I’d be so happy that I could die

[Verse 4]
You used to call yourself The Don and call me Queen Diana
你一直都是万人迷  而你说我像戴安娜王妃
You always make me blush and say “shut up boy, you bananas!”
你让我脸红心跳  我害羞到只能要你闭嘴
You pull my hair and push me down and chase me, make me run
你拉着我的长发  我们玩着你追我跑
You played me Biggie Smalls and then my first Nirvana song
So even though we’re no one’s friends, we’re really serious
大家不欣赏 但我们替彼此疯狂
I knew you loved me by the way you looked in second period
I’d see you in hall like “hello, hello”
Up against the wall like “let’s go, let’s go”
爬出围墙 你说要带我走


I know that they say that all I want is to have fun
我知道 大家都说我只是爱玩
And get away for rainy days
I know that they think I’ve come undone
我知道 大家都说我只是一时冲动
But I’m in love, I wanna run, run, run away
但我深陷情网  只想与你逃到天涯海角
I’m leaving, are you coming with me?
我要永远离开这里  你可愿意与我同行?



Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey


Lana Del Rey 的这首 Prom Song 又称为 Teenage Wasteland,我个人比较喜欢第二个名字,整首歌曲传达了对青春岁月的向往,以及不甘让青春死于荒漠之地的心情。 第一次听到这首歌就被深深吸引, Lana Del Rey 的复古风仿佛带我们到旧时代的高中生活。

对于这首歌,Lana Del Rey 曾解释:

“I was 15 and my best friend at school, who is still my best friend today, was actually my teacher. He was a white English teacher who played basketball and listened to hip-hop. I didn’t know what everyone thought was cool. He played Biggie Smalls for me in his car.”

也就是说这首歌是关于她与高中的老师的一段恋情。从 “I’d see you in hall like hello, hello/ Up against the wall like let’s go, let’s go” 的“走廊”、“围墙”意象,一直到 ” You pull my hair and push me down and chase me, make me run”的“拉头发”、“你追我跑”画面,我们看到的是最纯脆的中学时代的爱。那是一个不需要在意金钱名利的年纪,眼中只有彼此,即使这是一段没有人看好的爱情,他们也不放在心上。对正值青春年华热恋中的男女来讲,继续待在家乡、校园实在太平凡。他们要的是发光发热燃烧殆尽的岁月,因此怎么都要逃疑这青春荒漠,不甘自己一生最美的年华被埋没。

Lana Del Rey 还有不少未发行单曲都很有味道,先前介绍过她的 Never Let Me Go ,也是一首让人不断重复播放、怎么也听不腻的歌曲。虽然没有收录到专辑里有点可惜,但无意间找到就像挖到宝一样,在这里与大家分享。


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想了解更多关于 Lana Del Rey ,请阅读:Lana Del Rey 拉娜德芮:歌曲背后的故事



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