Seal-Kiss From a Rose 玫瑰之吻

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Kiss From A Rose - Seal lyrics


Kiss From a Rose by Seal

There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea
You, became the light on the dark side of me
妳 成了我黑暗面的光
Love remains, a drug that’s the high and not the pill
我对你的爱 如迷幻药般顽强
But did you know that when it snows
妳可知道 下雪时
My eyes become large
And the light that you shine can’t be seen

Baby, I like compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray
宝贝 你如同幽黯中的玫瑰之吻
Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels yeah~
越是了解妳 却觉得你越神秘
Now that your rose is in bloom
此刻 妳的玫瑰正盛开
A light hits the gloom on the gray

There is so much a man can tell you
So much he can say
You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain
你是我的力量 我的欢乐 也是我的痛苦
Baby, To me
宝贝 对我来说
You’re like a growing addiction that I can’t deny
Won’t you tell me, is that healthy, baby?
宝贝 你说 这正常吗

But did you know that when it snows
妳可知道 下雪时
My eyes become large
And the light that you shine can’t be seen

Baby, I like compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray
宝贝 你如同幽黯中的玫瑰之吻
Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels yeah~
越是了解妳 却觉得你越神秘
Now that your rose is in bloom
此刻 妳的玫瑰正盛开
A light hits the gloom on the gray

I’ve been kissed by a rose on the gray
I’ve been kissed by a rose on the gray
And if I should fall, will it all go away?
若我坠落 这一切是否会离我而去
I’ve been kissed by a rose on the gray

There is so much a man can tell you
So much he can say
You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain
你是我的力量 我的欢乐 也是我的痛苦
Baby, To me
宝贝 对我来说
You’re like a growing addiction that I can’t deny
Won’t you tell me, is that healthy, baby?
宝贝 你说 这正常吗

But did you know that when it snows
妳可知道 下雪时
My eyes become large
And the light that you shine can’t be seen


 seal kiss rose


最近看电影预告片时,刚好听到电影《全家玩到趴》的预告片中的音乐很好听,查了一下资料,才知道原来已经是老歌了,而且也是之前蝙蝠侠(1994)的主题曲。当年歌手 Seal 的这首 Kiss from a Rose 让他在葛莱美颁奖典礼抱走 Song of the year 和 Record of the year 两个大奖。Seal沧桑的嗓音中带有一种温柔的美感,也难怪会大受欢迎。

歌词将爱人比喻成黑暗中的一朵玫瑰,美丽诱人但又神祕难测,这朵玫瑰并不是只有光鲜亮丽的一面,而是同时充满黑暗与光彩的,是ㄧ朵经过历练,有故事有过去的玫瑰。叙事者钦佩爱慕这朵玫瑰(这个女人),但同时似乎又害怕着她离去(And if I should fall, will it all go away?)。这种爱,已经成了近乎病态的爱恋,如同吸毒一样,When it snows, my eyes become large 指的是类似吸毒时瞳孔放大的现象。对于这朵玫瑰,他已经爱得无法释手,集痛苦与快乐于一身的玫瑰,已经是他戒不掉的瘾。



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